Hoy es la celebración de una de las comidas preferidas de América: ¡el sandwich! Y no es coincidencia que el 3 de noviembre sea también el aniversario de John Montagu, 4o Conde de Sandwich. Este noble inglés del siglo 18 quería comerse su comida con una mano durante un evento, así que les ordenó a sus sirvientes que le sirvieran su comida entre dos rebanadas de pan. Para conmemorar el nacimiento del creador del sandwich, ¡el 3 de noviembre es el Día Nacional del Sandwich! Y como a mi me encanta un buen sandwich y encontré esta INCREIBLE receta de Jillian Harris, aquí la tenéis:
Today is a celebration of one of America's favorite foods: the sandwich! It is no coincidence that November 3 is also the birthday of John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. This 18th century English noble wanted to eat his meal with one hand during a 24-hour gambling event, so he instructed his servants to serve him his lunchmeat between two slices of bread. To commemorate the birth of the world's first sandwich-maker, November 3 is now National Sandwich Day! And as I love a good sandwich and I found this A-MA-ZING recipe by Jillian Harris, here you have it:
2 panes de hamburguesa / 2 burger bread
1/4 taza de queso cheddar rallado / 1/4 cup of grated cheddar
1 rodaja de tomate / 1 slice of tomato
2 trozos de bacon / 2 slices of bacon
1 huevo / 1 egg
1 cucharada de mayonesa / 1 tbsp of mayo
Today is a celebration of one of America's favorite foods: the sandwich! It is no coincidence that November 3 is also the birthday of John Montagu, the fourth Earl of Sandwich. This 18th century English noble wanted to eat his meal with one hand during a 24-hour gambling event, so he instructed his servants to serve him his lunchmeat between two slices of bread. To commemorate the birth of the world's first sandwich-maker, November 3 is now National Sandwich Day! And as I love a good sandwich and I found this A-MA-ZING recipe by Jillian Harris, here you have it:
2 panes de hamburguesa / 2 burger bread
1/4 taza de queso cheddar rallado / 1/4 cup of grated cheddar
1 rodaja de tomate / 1 slice of tomato
2 trozos de bacon / 2 slices of bacon
1 huevo / 1 egg
1 cucharada de mayonesa / 1 tbsp of mayo
- Cocinar en huevo en una sartén.
- En otra sartén, cocinar el bacon.
- Tostar el pan al gusto.
- Montar el sandwich (poner el queso entre el huevo y el bacon, así se deshace con el calor).
- Rematar con un poco de sal y pimienta... y a disfrutar!!
- In a pan, cook the egg.
- In a separate pan, cook the bacon.
- Toast the bread to give them a good crunch.
- Assemble the sandwich (put the cheese in between the egg and the bacon so the heat melts it).
- Top with a little salt and pepper... and enjoy!!
Que paséis una buena semana y estad muy atentos al canal, pero sobre todo al blog porque últimamente he estado muy activa. Hasta me he hecho un calendario/plan para colgar posts. ¡Qué organizada soy!
¡Nos vemos en el próximo post y en el canal de Youtube!
Have a great week and stay tuned in the channel, but specially in here because lately I've been very active. I even have made a calendar/plan to post. So organized!
See you in the next post and in the Youtube channel!
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